Book an Appointment

It's our goal to create a comfortable, safe environment, where we'll work to achieve the goal together

The most difficult part of any journey is taking the first step. Congratulations for deciding to reach out to us with your problems, as you have taken the first step towards improving your life.

The next step, of course, is to take action to schedule an appointment.

Getting Started

  • To set up an initial consultation or book an appointment, please fill and submit our online form.
  • Before proceeding to booking an appointment with us, you are required to review and understand the Online Counselling Agreement Form here to make an informed decision. Once you are done reading, and agree with all the terms and conditions given in the online counselling agreement, you will be required to fill in the Booking An Appointment Form here and submit.
  • You will be contacted within 1 working day regarding your counselling appointment and all the info for the prepaid payment options.
  • Once we get confirmation of your payment, we will send you an email to mutually decide the day and time for the counselling session to take place. If you have booked an email counselling session, you will receive a secure email Id to share your issues and your counsellor will reply to your mail within 48 hrs.

If you have any question or need more info regarding our counselling services you can submit your query in the contact form.

We are committed to help you. So be assured that by booking sessions with us you will be able to gain an insight into the problems that are troubling you as we will help you explore the possible solutions.

Counselling Sessions and Fees

Email Counselling
Single email
Student Session
60 minutes
Individual Session
60 minutes

Questions & Concerns

I want to book a counselling session, how do I do that?

To book a session, you can choose from the list of counselling sessions and decide whether you would prefer counselling via Email or a Skype voice/video. Once you decide a mode of counselling, you may book an appointment with our online Booking an Appointment Form.

How long do I have to wait, once I have booked a session?

After you have booked a session with us, We will contact you within 1 working day regarding your counselling appointment and payment options. Once We get confirmation of your payment, We will send you an email to mutually decide and arrange a time and day for your counselling session to take place. If you have booked an email counselling session, you will receive a secure email Id to share your issues. Your counsellor will reply to your mail within 48 hrs.

How are payments made?

All payments are prepaid and made via direct bank transfer and the secure payment method PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to make a payment as PayPal gives you the option to choose from many types of credit cards. 

Is it possible to cancel the session and demand refund for already paid sessions?

In the case of an emergency or any other situation where you feel the need to cancel an appointment, please notify us within 24 hours. If you fail to do so, a refund will not be applicable.

How will the counselling sessions benefit me?

When you write or talk about your problem and express your feelings in a safe, private, confidential and non-judgmental atmosphere, it is a relieving experience in itself. The counsellor will then help you to understand yourself and the problem that you are facing. Counselling is a process in which regular discussions and sharing of thoughts, fears, and feelings with a counsellor can help you to understand and resolve what is troubling you whether it comes from circumstances, other people, or yourself.

It can, therefore, assist you to make decisions or changes which could enable you to lead your life better. Counselling provides an opportunity to gain new perspectives and can encourage progress towards a sense of greater well-being.

What are the benefits of email counselling?

Counselling by email is convenient and a confidential way to seek solutions to your problems. Assurance of the fact that there is someone who will receive, acknowledge and respond to your problems without any judgment or bias gives a great sense of comfort and support to the client attempting to overcome a difficult period in their life.

Writing in itself is an extremely beneficial way of expressing your emotions. Email counselling is also helpful for people who do not feel comfortable talking about their problems and prefer to write their problems down. You can think over and write your problems down in a mail, and send it to me per your own convenience and preferred time. You have complete control on deciding the time rather than waiting for live sessions. After reading your mail, I will respond within 48 to 72 hrs.

What are the benefits of Counselling via Skype?

Counselling via Skype allows you to attend a session from the comfort of your home, in real time and it will make you feel safe and relaxed. You can talk and are even able to see your counsellor, discuss your problems easily, without any hesitation. Video chat is similar to face-to-face counselling that allows you to communicate with your counsellor by exchanging verbal cues, making eye contact and body language. It offers a space to explore your concerns further and gain a greater understanding of yourself and your situation.

Will the counsellor provide solutions and advice to my problems?

No, the counsellor will not provide solutions or give advice for your problems, rather counsellor will assist you to understand your problems from different perspectives and in more depth so that you can come out with effective solutions.

How long will the counselling last?

It depends on the nature of your problem. In some cases, clients start feeling better and more in control of their lives, only through a single session. There are others who need more sessions to work on the issues and concerns that are troubling them.

Is it possible to pay after sessions?

No, our counselling services are prepaid to ensure the commitment and seriousness of seeking counselling. We respect our time and commitment to help clients. 

Are email and Skype sessions secure?

Yes, our email and Skype sessions are encrypted to ensure privacy and confidentiality. To ensure your own privacy and confidentiality you also required to protect your account and never share your password with anyone.

How old do I have to be to use this service?

You must be 18 and above, to use our online counselling services.

If you are under the age of 18, you need to get the parent consent form filled to avail online counselling service by the Mental Health Professional at following which we can proceed with the session.

Is it possible to make inquiries before booking a session?

Yes, all inquiries are very much welcomed. You are required to fill a contact form and submit it. Alternately, you can also send mail at the given email. You will receive a response as soon as possible. Please ensure that you also check your Spam/Trash folder for a response.

I am an unmarried woman, can I avail your services?

Yes. You are welcome to get our confidential counselling service at nominal charges. Whether you are a student, working/ non-working, married or unmarried woman over 18 years old and are experiencing problems in your life related to relationship, work or self you can reach out to us by booking your appointment or contact us by submitting a form or sending an email. We encourage you to express yourself and share your experiences and We will provide useful information and feedback to assist you with your concerns.

Why do you provide online counselling to at nominal rates?

In our society where a majority of women are homemakers, our low-cost services are within reach and affordable for women clients who do not work or even for the clients who are still students. As our motto is to help women and students on a larger scale.

What makes your online services convenient and reachable for women, as compared to other online professional counselling services?

Our services are tailored specifically for women keeping in mind the impact of social inequalities on women’s mental health, relationships, and personality. Our counselling services for women are more convenient and reachable without any reservations. You can explore and talk more freely about the problems and issues of your life, and consider alternative perspectives and ways of thinking. You will be able to understand your problems better and rebuild your self-confidence and develop self-respect.

Book An Appointment

Thank you for your interest in working with us!